Video Killed the Radio Star: The Importance of Video Marketing

video marketing vmasWith the MTV Video Music Awards just behind us and viral videos of precious animals and adorable (or annoying…depending who you ask) tykes yodelling in Walmart still very much a thing of the present, it’s clear that video is a go-to form of content when it comes to reaching your audience.

That sentiment also holds true when it comes to incorporating videos into your overall marketing strategy. In fact, according to Breadnbeyond, over 60% of customers rely more on companies that create custom, personalized content. Additionally, over half of consumers want to see more video content from marketers. Video marketing is one of the most versatile and profitable channels of digital marketing. If it’s not already in your marketing arsenal, you should definitely reconsider.

Why Video is Still the Belle of the Ball

People like videos. Period.

To be exact, 82% of consumers prefer live video over any other type of social media post. Videos engage viewers and elicit emotions. This helps build trust between consumer and brand which is imperative for increasing brand loyalty. Video allows brands to present themselves and their products in a conversational manner while encouraging social shares (76% of social media users say they would share a branded video with their friends if it was entertaining).

Not only do videos benefit consumers, but they provide great ROI for brands. Videos inherently increase the time spent by visitors on your site, which signals to search engines that your site has good content, leading to a higher search engine rank. Video is a powerful way to communicate your story and illustrate your value propositions without being salesy. Most importantly, the barrier to entry is incredibly low, with many options for both creatives and non-creatives to make engaging, quality videos.

All that is to say – there is no reason your brand shouldn’t be utilizing video marketing. And we’re here to help.  

Where to Start

Creating videos has never been easier. With all the apps, platforms and devices that enable just about anyone to be a creator, there’s no excuse to not be utilizing video in your marketing strategy.

But entering the world of original video content may seem daunting. That’s why we’ve outlined some key points to keep in mind and tips to help make your viral video visions a reality.

What to Post and Where

First and foremost, let’s make sure you have a solid understanding of what type of video content performs best on which platform.


Facebook is ideal for those with limited time or budget, or limited video editing experience. According to the platform, their live video capabilities entice viewers to stick around three times longer than traditional video content. Because these videos are often shared live, consumers don’t expect fancy editing or stellar videography. Instead, they give the consumer an authentic look into what makes the brand, fostering engagement. The ideal length for a Facebook video is one minute.


Instagram videos should be short and to the point, with visuals that really catch the eye. Bold and colorful, Instagram videos perform best when they’re more lighthearted and fun, rather than serious or salesy. Instagram is also a great platform to utilize user-generated content – so encourage your community to post videos through contests and campaigns, and then repost these on your own account. User-generated ad content is a great way to lower your cost per click and have higher click-through rates.

Instagram is definitely the place to keep your videos short. Even though you have the option to post videos that are up to 60 seconds long, the ideal length is around 30 seconds.


Twitter may not be the most obvious place to post videos, but video views on the platform continue to grow. It’s is especially great at reaching customers in real time, since 90% of Twitter video views happen on mobile. Additionally, videos on Twitter play automatically and are a great way to grab user attention… so make sure your video is engaging from the start.

The ideal video length on Twitter is 45 seconds.


LinkedIn video is relatively new to the game, but companies and professionals are seeing great success posting tutorials and how-to’s on this platform. As a social network geared toward professionals and relationship building, LinkedIn offers a prime opportunity to for B2B brands to market themselves with video content.

If you need some inspiration, check out these inspiring, real-world examples from companies like Slack, HubSpot and Squarespace.

Best Practices

Now that you’ve got a handle on what video content performs best for each platform, here are just a few best practices to keep in mind to ensure your video strategy is as effective as possible.

1. Don’t forget about SEO

Videos are a great way to continue improving your search engine ranking. Be sure to do some keyword research and include those relevant keywords in your video’s meta tags, video title and description. Upload a video transcript, when appropriate, or utilize captions for videos that have autoplay.

2. Hook ‘em in quick

It’s no secret that consumer attention spans are short (and only getting shorter). You have about three seconds to capture a potential customer’s attention before they’ve moved on and lost interest. Make sure your video is interesting from the start, with attention-grabbing graphics and titles.

3. Avoid being salesy

No one wants to watch a video if they think you’re only after their money. Think creatively about how to get your message across without blatantly chasing a sale. Remember – consumers are looking for solutions to their problems. Set your product up as that solution.

4. Make a plan

As with anything in marketing, diving in blindly is not the way to go. Figure out a plan before you start just pumping out videos. Who are you trying to target? What kind of videos do you want to produce? How often will you be producing them? What kind of video formats will you be utilizing? Make sure you have a clear cut plan of attack.

5. Keep it simple

Don’t bog down your video with too much information. Your message should be clear and easy to understand. Remember, your goal here is to communicate your brand and its value propositions in a quick, but memorable fashion.

Lights. Camera. Action!

You’re now armed with the information and best practices you need to begin working video content into your marketing strategy. Still feeling a bit unsure about how to get started? Just drop us a note and we’ll get you on the right track.

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