How to Market Your Pop-Up Shop

One powerful guerrilla marketing tactic is opening a temporary pop-up shop. With the right marketing before, during, and after the event, a pop-up shop can be a tool to share your online product with new and existing customers offline.


  • Create a landing page where you can share details about the event. Capture email leads of interested consumers as well as brands that might want to work with you for future partnerships.
  • Conduct influencer and press outreach create the buzz you need.
  • Take advantage of your social media tools—organic sharing with your followers, ad targeting and retargeting on Facebook, as well as creating a Facebook event.
  • Reach out to a segment of your local customers via email inviting them to stop by the shop, and VIPs to the launch party.


  • Celebrate the launch of your pop-up shop to the world (friends, press, VIP customers, influencers) with a launch party. This event will allow people to explore your products, get to know your brand, and share what’s happening at the party with their audience, amplifying your reach. People will remember the booze, food, and music, so make sure you have your bases covered!
  • Keep the momentum going with live day events. Entice people to pay you a visit with experiences they can’t get anywhere else. Plan workshops, speakers, and guest appearances that compliment your brand.
  • Have an email lead generation strategy to capture all of the great foot traffic during the event. You can set up an email form on a dedicated iPad that subscribes people to your email list and triggers a Welcome drip automatically.


  • After your pop-up shop is prime time to take the valuable connections you made during the event and turn them into evangelists and loyal customers. Reach out via email with photos and updates on the results or any future iterations of the pop-up.
  • Thank customers who shared photos on their social accounts individually.
  • Share a coupon code for your online store for all those who missed the pop-up shop.

Hawke Media is producing the nest, a temporary co-retail space on Abbot Kinney. We’re bringing the best online brands offline to the best shopping street in the country. If you’re interested in participating or learning more, please visit our website.

Ready to take your marketing to the streets? Access our Guerrilla Marketing White Paper now!

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